11 Plus exam preparation

11 Plus exam preparation


At 11PLUSTUTOR.UK We have expert tutors and exam coaches who will help your child to succeed in their 11 Plus exams.

11 Plus exam preparation
11 Plus exam preparation

What is the 11 Plus exam ?

The 11 Plus exam is a test taken by children at the end of year 5. It’s designed to select the most able students for grammar schools and may also be used by some secondary modern schools to choose their pupils It is a test of your child’s ability to think and reason. It can be quite stressful for children, but with some practice they can do well in it.

The 11 Plus exam has three parts: verbal reasoning, numerical reasoning and non-verbal reasoning. The verbal reasoning questions are about reading comprehension; they might ask you to find the main idea or plot detail in a passage or explain how a character feels about something. Numerical reasoning questions ask you to understand information like number sequences or shapes on graphs, while non-verbal reasoning questions test your ability to solve problems using pictures instead of numbers (for example, using shapes).

When do I need to apply?

You should apply at least 6-8 months before the exam and be aware that late applications incur a fee. If your child is currently in Year 5 then you need to plan ahead by applying for Year 6 (the final year of primary school).

You may be able to apply for an 11+ test up to two years in advance.

How to Prepare for the 11 Plus.

The 11 Plus is a very important test, and it's definitely a good idea to go into it with as much preparation as possible. It's impossible to know what the test will be like, but you can still do your best to prepare for it by following these guidelines:

  • Take practice papers. The 11+ tests are usually multiple choice questions, so make sure that you're familiar with how they work if this isn't already something your child has done before. If the school doesn't have any sample papers available yet, then search online or ask around until you can find one—you'll need all the help that you can get!

  • Do your homework. Practice makes perfect; if there's time during class in which students are allowed to complete assignments on their own schedules rather than following along with what's being taught at the front of the room (or wherever else), then take advantage of this opportunity by doing extra work outside school hours! This will allow more time for reading comprehension passages or solving math problems without feeling rushed later on down road when taking actual exams."

The importance of 11+ practice test papers.

  • Practice papers are good for understanding the format of the exam.

  • They will help you to understand what is expected of you in the exam.

  • They will help you to improve your score by giving you an idea of what type of questions and answers tend to be awarded higher marks by examiners, as well as giving you examples of questions that have been wrongfully marked down in previous papers as being either too short or too long.

The importance of verbal reasoning, numerical reasoning and non-verbal reasoning.

The 11 Plus exam is designed to test your ability in three main areas: verbal reasoning, numerical reasoning and non-verbal reasoning.

  • Verbal reasoning tests your ability to interpret and evaluate information such as texts or diagrams. It requires you to think logically by considering what the passage says before making a decision about it. For example, if a text describes an event that happened at night then it's likely that this happened at least one day before the author wrote their account of events - therefore showing how well you can interpret meaning from a piece of writing.

  • Numerical reasoning tests your ability to identify patterns or relationships between numbers or quantities so that you can make predictions about them based on previous knowledge of similar situations (such as working out how many days there are in each month). For example, if four people went swimming together every week then after five weeks there would be 20 more people than when they began swimming together - demonstrating how careful observation can lead us all towards conclusions based on logic alone!

Time management during the exam.

The exam will be timed and you need to work within these boundaries. This means that you cannot spend too much time on any one question, but must focus on answering as many questions as possible within the allotted time.

You should test the paper before you start, so that there are no surprises in terms of layout or content. If any of the questions seem unclear or ambiguous, they should be marked for clarification with a ‘?’ mark, and should not be attempted until this has been done by an examiner at your school or centre.

Start with questions which require short answers and simple calculations, then progress to longer essays where needed. It is important to stress again that it is better to leave gaps than fill them with incorrect answers! Never rush through an answer just because a question looks hard; take your time over each one as there will always be some element of luck involved in getting all questions correct anyway – so make sure this does not affect your overall mark! If all else fails and there is no way out other than guessing at the answer (and making sure you do it!), feel free! There is nothing worse than having half completed answers because they were poorly thought through even though they looked correct when written down initially - so don't let this happen!!

Practise for the eleven plus with expert tutors in our 6 month and 1 year courses throughout the year, in preparation for your child's grammar school entrance exams next year.

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