11 plus online tutors in India

11 plus online tutors in India


The 11 Plus exams are a set of academic entrance tests that students need to take in order to gain admission into grammar schools and other prestigious educational institutes. They are usually taken by students in Year 6, and serve as an entry point for selective secondary education. The 11 Plus exam intensively tests the student's understanding of the English language, their problem solving ability along with their mathematical skills. Y

What are 11+ Exams?

11 plus exams are the main entrance exams for grammar schools in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. They are taken by students in Year 6 (age 10-11) and test English, verbal reasoning and non-verbal reasoning skills. They’re also known as 11+ tests or numerical aptitude tests (NAT).

The 11 Plus exams are a set of selective academic entrance tests that students in Year 6 need to take in order to gain admission into exclusive grammar schools and other prestigious educational institutes.

The 11 Plus exams are academic entrance tests that students need to take in order to gain admission into grammar schools and other prestigious educational institutes. They are usually taken by students in Year 6, and serve as an entry point for selective secondary education.

Most 11 plus tests assess:

  • Reading ability

  • Numerical reasoning ability

  • Writing skills (e.g., essay writing)

For admission to grammar schools or Local Education Authority (LEA) funded selective schools the students are assessed in English / verbal Reasoning, non-verbal Reasoning and Mathematics. The 11 Plus exam intensively tests the student's understanding of the English language, their problem solving ability along with their mathematical skills.

The 11 Plus exam is a set of academic entrance tests that are used to determine whether students should be allocated to selective state schools over local schools. The exam was first introduced in 1944, with the aim of selecting children for grammar school education and to help improve social mobility in Britain.

The 11 Plus exam tests the student's understanding of the English language, their problem solving ability along with their mathematical skills. The test will have questions based on verbal reasoning and non-verbal reasoning, as well as general knowledge questions about arts & literature; science & technology; history & geography; business studies; design & technology; modern foreign languages (French/German) etc...

For admission to grammar schools or Local Education Authority (LEA) funded selective schools the students are assessed in English / verbal Reasoning , non-verbal Reasoning and Mathematics .

OnlineTutorAsia is the leading network of senior Asian STEM and Humanities coaching professionals based in India, UK, Hong Kong and Singapore.

OnlineTutorAsia is the leading network of senior Asian STEM and Humanities coaching professionals based in India, UK, Hong Kong and Singapore. We partner with some of the most respected schools in Asia to offer online tutoring services to students across grades/levels. Our experienced tutors are available 24/7 for live one-to-one sessions with your child at any location you choose. Now you can schedule your child’s lessons from home or work at a time that suits you!

Our human tutors are highly qualified professionals from India who have been providing private tuition for more than 10 years. They specialize in various subjects such as Maths, Science, English Language & Literature, History & Geography etc., so whether your child has difficulty understanding specific topics or would like extra support with any subject matter there is always someone available to help them succeed both academically as well as personally at school!

Finding an 11 plus tutor in India can be challenging as there are many tutoring companies but very few verified experienced tutors.

Finding an 11 plus tutor in India can be challenging as there are many tutoring companies but very few verified experienced tutors. Here's what makes a good tutor:

  • A good teacher will have the following qualities:

  • Passion for teaching and helping students to achieve their goals;

  • Motivation to work with children of all ages, backgrounds and abilities;

  • An extensive knowledge of their subject area, which they can share with their students by imparting information effectively while keeping everything fun.

INDIAMATHS is reputed for providing the best 11 plus online tutors from India. Indiamaths has helped hundreds of students crack their 11+ math exams.

INDIAMATHS is reputed for providing the best 11 plus online tutors from India. Indiamaths has helped hundreds of students crack their 11+ math exams.

11 plus online tutors in India are extremely important to help students prepare for the test and achieve their goals.

Why opt for 11 plus online tutoring versus home or centre learning ?

  • Online tutors offer you the flexibility to learn at your own pace. You can access them 24/7, so you don't have to worry about school hours or holidays.

  • Online teachers can tailor their teaching to your needs and answer any questions you may have. They will make sure that you understand the concepts taught and any doubts that arise during the process of learning are cleared up immediately. This also helps in boosting your confidence level as well as helps build a strong foundation for further studies in the future.

To understand why it makes sense to turn to an experienced tutor from 11PLUSTUTOR.UK for help during the crucial months before the examination, let's examine some of the key benefits of our online tutoring-

To understand why it makes sense to turn to an experienced tutor from 11PLUSTUTOR.UK for help during the crucial months before the examination, let's examine some of the key benefits of our online tutoring:

  • You will have access 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. All you need is internet connection and a laptop or desktop computer, tablet or smartphone. If you are not satisfied with your child’s performance at school or if they need extra help with their homework, then this type of private tuition is ideal as you don't have to make any special arrangements or travel long distances.

  • The tutor can work at your own pace – this means that it can be tailored specifically for each student’s requirements which makes it more effective than traditional classroom learning where students may struggle due to different levels of ability and understanding.

  • No need to worry about transport - As children have places where they feel comfortable studying (at home), there is no requirement for them commuting in order not waste time travelling during peak hours which could lead them missing out on other activities such as sports clubs etc., so this way both parties get what they want by making sure that their studies remain consistent throughout each day


We hope this article was helpful in deciding whether or not you want to hire an 11 plus tutor. If you are still not sure, please feel free to reach out and speak with one of our experts. We would be happy to help find the right tutor for your child!

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